Ipsos was commissioned by EU-OSHA in June 2018 to undertake an evaluation of its communication, networking and stakeholder engagement (CNSE) activities. The activities that have been evaluated are: Healthy Workplaces Campaign: 2016-2017 “Healthy Workplaces for All Ages” (activity 4.3), Awareness raising actions and communication (Activity 4.7) and Strategic and operational networking (Activity 6.4). The evaluation has covered the period 2014-2017, but with the main focus on 2016-2017.
The purpose of the evaluation was to gain an overall insight into how the Agency is performing in relation to engaging stakeholders in the broad sense, and especially on the process between need identification and update of the Agency’s products and services, which encompasses: processes related to stakeholder engagement; the usefulness of the tools and resources provided; the functioning of the different networking approaches; and the extent to which stakeholder needs are consistently reflected in the Agency’s work and deliverables.
Comlete report is on the next link:
Final Executive Summary EU-OSHA Evaluation final report
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